2017 archive

Occupational Burnout: Why leaders across a spectrum of industries are burning out at increasing rates.

Burnout is a Major Health Concern According to the CDC Although the workplace has evolved over the past several decades, the condition colloquially known as “burnout” has become more prevalent over time.  Far from casual byproduct of professional and business culture, burnout has become so serious that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now […] Read more…

Fear of Failure, Self-Perception, and the Power of Positive Thought

Failure is a word that mental health practitioners hear often. It can be a catchall for anxiety, depression, frustration, and disappointment at not meeting the expectations one has for themselves or that are derived from their family and friends.  More concretely, failure can be framed in connection with an inability or lack of desire to […] Read more…

Mass Shootings, Trauma and Coping

Mass shootings, trauma, and the flurry of debate over gun policy have sadly become the norm in America in recent years.  Nearly every region of the country has been affected and the context has been so varied–from grade schools to municipal offices, and most recently an outdoor concert venue, that fear is becoming a part […] Read more…

Pregnancy and Antidepressant Medication

As wonderful as pregnancy is, all expectant mothers are concerned about how their own health and wellness will impact the health of their baby.  For mothers who are managing a care and medication plan associated with mental illness, one question frequently arises: will my antidepressant medication affect the health of my newborn? There is a […] Read more…

The Deification of Perfectionism in an Age of Anxiety and Suicide

The mythology of perfectionism in the public eye often comes across as harmless, even endearing.  Sitcoms from “The Odd Couple” featuring the ultra-fastidious Felix Unger to “Modern Family’s” Alex have portrayed perfectionists as quirky but lovable folks who are simply a bit more focused and particular about their environment or work than the average person. […] Read more…

Lamotrigine and Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy

Continuing to Treat Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy is Vital to Avoid Postpartum Relapse Restoring life to “normal” after having a baby is always challenging, but more so if you are at greater risk for postpartum illness.  For women who have taken lamotrigine for bipolar disorder before becoming pregnant, it is natural that they are concerned […] Read more…


“Deep” TMS – Another Drug-Free Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder

Psychiatry is constantly evolving and one of the truly exciting aspects of being a practitioner is following new developments and research, particularly in the realm of depression and related disorders. Major Depressive Disorders (MDDs) have been identified as the second leading cause of disabilities by the World Health Organization. In other words, it is urgent […] Read more…

The Looming Retirement of the 15-minute Med Check

The 15 Minute Medical Check: “Medical Management” vs. Care and Connection New research published in a paper  titled “Psychiatric Services in Advance,” (http://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ps.201600133)  by Dr. William Torrey of the Dartmouth Geisel School of medicine has reinforced the essential connection between doctor and patient, and discredits an unfortunate trend in psychiatric care for conducting 15-minute “medical […] Read more…

A Non-invasive & FDA Approved Treatment for Treatment Resistant Depression

Meet rTMS: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation One treatment modality gaining favor in the Psychiatric care world is Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation ( rTMS ).  TMS is part of a group of treatments called Interventional Psychiatry that also include ketamine therapy and ECT. Approved by the FDA in 2008, rTMS is a safe, non-invasive neuromodulation therapy directed […] Read more…

Year-Round Mental Health Awareness and Resources

Mental Health Conversations and Community Should be Available All-Year-Round May was Mental Health Awareness Month, and as a Psychiatrist, I find it a welcoming sign that the stigma of mental illness seems to be diminishing with each passing year. In the spirit of encouraging people to address their mental health in a constructive way, I wanted […] Read more…

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