Posts Tagged ‘treating depression’

infertility and mood

Learn About Infertility, Emotions and Mood with IVF and More

Infertility has profound effects on your mood and emotions. Many people tend to blame themselves for not being able to have a child, when, in fact, it’s no one’s fault. When faced with infertility, the first step many people take is to seek help from an infertility specialist. It’s important to know just how much […] Read more…

3 Ways Exercise Can Reduce Depression

We all know that exercise is good for our physical health, but it also has healing properties for our mental health as well. Although you may not want to do it initially, getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day can help you relieve stress and feel better. Here’s how! Reduces Stress If you’re […] Read more…

Common Questions About Ketamine Therapy

In a prior article I announced that we are now offering an exciting new treatment for severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD called Ketamine Therapy. This new therapy is dramatically improving the lives of people suffering from treatment-resistant illnesses. In many cases, the relief is fast and often long-lasting. If you haven’t read that article, […] Read more…

Bipolar Disorder Basics: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

We all experience the ups and downs, good days and bad days, and the occasionally, even, I should never have gotten out of bed day. As a general rule, most of us can get back to an inner calm or a middle ground to which we return. But individuals with Bipolar disorder experience moods that are extremely […] Read more…

4 Myths About Depression

Last year, we mourned the tragic death of Robin Williams. After a losing such a prominent figure to perhaps the most concerning outcome of psychiatric illness, suicide, the community is finally discussing depression. And while this discussion is most certainly a good thing, there have been some myths that have consistently presented themselves throughout the […] Read more…


7 Ways to Beat After-the-Holidays Blues

The holidays are full of mixed emotions for many of us and it’s fairly common to feel a bit depressed when they’re over. You’ve spent a lot of time and money preparing and then, just like that, it’s over. Here are some tips to help you beat the after-the-holidays-blues. Join a new health club or […] Read more…


Signs of Depression in Teens

Having a teenager can be the most difficult part of parenting. Adding depression to the mix can often make parenting your teen much more difficult. Adolescent depression can often be viewed as teenage angst, which leaves your teen untreated and not feeling like him/herself. Why Do Teens Get Depressed? There is a great deal of […] Read more…

Why Am I Depressed During My Pregnancy?

While many women experience the elation that one might expect with pregnancy, other women experience fear, sadness, and depression. In fact, up to 23% of women struggle with some symptoms of depression during pregnancy. Unfortunately, depression in pregnancy is often misdiagnosed as another type of hormonal imbalance. It is extremely important for mother and baby […] Read more…


8 Medical Risks of Depression

Depression is a mental illness that affects approximately 14.8 million adults. If left untreated, depression can adversely affect your physical health. Heart Disease Depression can lead to heart disease, make heart disease worse, and make it more difficult to recover from complications of heart disease. In fact, depression can increase your risk of having a […] Read more…

treating depression beyond therapy

9 Tips for Treating Depression Beyond Medication and Therapy

As we have seen in the recent, tragic passing of Robin Williams, depression does not discriminate. Each year, depression affects 17 million people of all age groups, races, and economic backgrounds. While medication and therapy and known and effective tools in the battle against depression, there are still other steps you can do for yourself that will […] Read more…