Posts Tagged ‘psychiatrist’

Ketamine as a Treatment for Suicidal Ideation

A study out of Columbia University offers insight into a potential new treatment for suicidal ideation. Patients who express that they’re experiencing suicidal thoughts are traditionally treated with antidepressants and/or sedatives. After recent research came out of the American Journal of Psychiatry, ketamine has been getting attention as a viable treatment that is effective in […] Read more…

Fear of Failure, Self-Perception, and the Power of Positive Thought

Failure is a word that mental health practitioners hear often. It can be a catchall for anxiety, depression, frustration, and disappointment at not meeting the expectations one has for themselves or that are derived from their family and friends.  More concretely, failure can be framed in connection with an inability or lack of desire to […] Read more…

Mass Shootings, Trauma and Coping

Mass shootings, trauma, and the flurry of debate over gun policy have sadly become the norm in America in recent years.  Nearly every region of the country has been affected and the context has been so varied–from grade schools to municipal offices, and most recently an outdoor concert venue, that fear is becoming a part […] Read more…

Pregnancy and Antidepressant Medication

As wonderful as pregnancy is, all expectant mothers are concerned about how their own health and wellness will impact the health of their baby.  For mothers who are managing a care and medication plan associated with mental illness, one question frequently arises: will my antidepressant medication affect the health of my newborn? There is a […] Read more…

The Deification of Perfectionism in an Age of Anxiety and Suicide

The mythology of perfectionism in the public eye often comes across as harmless, even endearing.  Sitcoms from “The Odd Couple” featuring the ultra-fastidious Felix Unger to “Modern Family’s” Alex have portrayed perfectionists as quirky but lovable folks who are simply a bit more focused and particular about their environment or work than the average person. […] Read more…

The Looming Retirement of the 15-minute Med Check

The 15 Minute Medical Check: “Medical Management” vs. Care and Connection New research published in a paper  titled “Psychiatric Services in Advance,” (  by Dr. William Torrey of the Dartmouth Geisel School of medicine has reinforced the essential connection between doctor and patient, and discredits an unfortunate trend in psychiatric care for conducting 15-minute “medical […] Read more…

Brace Yourself: Pregnancy Can Make Marriage Harder

Be Proactive and Prepare for the Ways in which Pregnancy May Impact Your Marriage After the initial euphoria of becoming pregnant wears off, a backlash of emotion on the part of both partners can stress even the most solid marriages.  While it is perfectly normal to expect that some marital patterns will change after pregnancy, […] Read more…

College Students and Mental Health: Severe Anxiety Becoming the Norm?

The Glamorization of College-Life and the University Experience Long after college, many people are inclined to glamorize their college experience, recalling the thrill of learning, endless social opportunities, and late-night gatherings that blend together in an idyllic re-imagining of their campus experience. But the pressures of academia: social, financial, and academic, have created a hothouse of […] Read more…

drug addiction and substance use disorder

Drug Addiction vs. Substance Use Disorder: The Impact Language Can Have on Social Stigmas

New York City Drug Addiction Statistics in 2016 According to the most recent data from The National Survey on Drug Use, drug addiction and substance use disorder metrics in New York City are actually, slowly, improving. The national average of residents that reported using illicit substances in the past month is 8.82% and New York […] Read more…

Ketamine Under the Lens: An Update

The Results We Have Seen from Ketamine Therapy at the Practice If you have followed my blog recently, you may have come across some of my observations about Ketamine, a drug used as a sedative (and sometimes abused as a club drug known as “Special K”,) but that is now being used to help patients with […] Read more…

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