Posts Tagged ‘Suicide’

Ketamine as a Treatment for Suicidal Ideation

A study out of Columbia University offers insight into a potential new treatment for suicidal ideation. Patients who express that they’re experiencing suicidal thoughts are traditionally treated with antidepressants and/or sedatives. After recent research came out of the American Journal of Psychiatry, ketamine has been getting attention as a viable treatment that is effective in […] Read more…

physician suicide

Please Be Aware of the Increasing Rates of Physician Suicide

For many people in the general public, there is an air of invincibility about their physicians. Walking into a doctor’s office seems like a one-way street: a patient comes in with a problem, and their doctor is there to solve it.  But the painful truth is that not only are doctors human, they actually suffer […] Read more…

Bipolar Disorder Basics: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

We all experience the ups and downs, good days and bad days, and the occasionally, even, I should never have gotten out of bed day. As a general rule, most of us can get back to an inner calm or a middle ground to which we return. But individuals with Bipolar disorder experience moods that are extremely […] Read more…


Preventing Suicide Among College Students

I picked up a People magazine from my waiting room while en route to a conference and was reading about Madison Holleran, a U Penn freshman who was a beautiful track star with a 4.1 GPA who committed suicide by jumping off a 9-story garage on January 17, 2014. People Magazine isn’t the type of […] Read more…

The Alarming Increase in Physician Suicides

The Alarming Increase in Physician Suicides

In October 2014, Dr. Pamela Wible delivered a lecture at the 2014 American Academy of Family Physicians Assembly in Washington, DC on the increase in physician suicide. We’re thrilled that Dr. Wible is talking about this and for once, the medical community seems to be listening. Bravo Dr. Wible! But there seems to be little […] Read more…

4 Myths About Depression

Last year, we mourned the tragic death of Robin Williams. After a losing such a prominent figure to perhaps the most concerning outcome of psychiatric illness, suicide, the community is finally discussing depression. And while this discussion is most certainly a good thing, there have been some myths that have consistently presented themselves throughout the […] Read more…

Dr. Amanda Itzkoff talks Depression & Suicide with Scott Sands

On August 12, 2014, I was interviewed by Scott Sands and Bill Carroll regarding depression, mood disorders and suicide, as a result of Robin Williams’ passing. Roughly 20 percent of people are dealing with major depression at any given time. The cause could be a number of factors as no two people are the same. […] Read more…