Healthcare Professionals: Understand The Types Of Suicidal Behavior And How To Best Help Your Patient

This is an incredibly important article for all healthcare professionals. Suicide (and suicidal thoughts/behaviors) are among the most important issues healthcare providers will need to communicate about.  However, the terms we use to describe these behaviors can be confusing, at a time when we must get it right. I found Dr. Rajnish Mango’s writing on how to define and […] Read more…

13 Ways To Help Avoid Loneliness

While loneliness is a natural emotion and it’s something we all feel, it’s not something any of us want to feel. Plus, more and more research is showing that loneliness in and of itself may lead to negative mental and physical consequences. For example, loneliness has been shown to affect the brain similarly to feeling […] Read more…

19 Signs That You Should Consider Marriage Counseling

Is it time to admit your marriage could use some help?  If so, it could be a good thing.  In fact, it could be one of the most beneficial things you ever do. Despite the myth of meeting “the one” and then living happily ever after, relationships (and especially marriage relationships) take work. The problem […] Read more…

The Emotional Impact Of Miscarriage

Experiencing a pregnancy loss is extremely difficult. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult experiences a parent will ever endure. I will deal with the physical ramifications of miscarriage in a future post. In this article, however, I want to specifically discuss a range of topics regarding the emotional impact of pregnancy loss. ——- […] Read more…

9 Tips To Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year when many of us commit to making changes in our lives. Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions tend to fail at notoriously high rates (over 80% in most studies). So, what can you do to “beat the odds” and, more importantly, set yourself up for a great year to come? Here are […] Read more…

7 Communication Tips To Help Save (Or Enhance) Your Marriage

It’s no secret that communication can make or break any relationship, especially a romantic relationship. You can think of communication within a marriage like a life-giving river. When communication fails, a dam develops, which stops the flow of the water. When water stops flowing it becomes stagnant and life cannot thrive. The same applies to […] Read more…

9 Ways To Stop Negative Self-Talk

In many ways, our self-talk becomes our life. Self-talk can be positive or negative, and how one chooses to speak to themselves has a major impact on the quality of their life. Negative self-talk can lead to a downward spiral of self-defeating thinking, which leads to an unhappy life. So, in this article I’m going […] Read more…

8 Tips For Surviving (And Even Thriving) During Major Life Transitions

We all go through numerous transitions in our lives.  These periods of change, and the subsequent adjustment to this change, can sometimes be difficult and stressful. Here are 8 tips to help you survive (and perhaps even thrive) during these transitional times in life. Understand Life’s Major Transitions Some changes are part of a natural […] Read more…

What You Really Need To Know About Sleep After Baby Arrives!

Are you expecting a new baby? If so, you’re probably wondering how your sleep is going to be affected by your new family member. After all, babies cry and they need a lot of attention…at all hours. So, how can you avoid being a “zombie” during these first few post-partum months? And, how can you […] Read more…

7 Tips For Getting Over a Breakup

Ending a meaningful relationship is hard, whether you decided to end it or it was the other person’s decision. You’re likely dealing with a lot of conflicting emotions. That’s normal. Just try your best to allow these “roller coaster” emotions to flow. And, of course, realize that getting over a breakup takes time and patience. […] Read more…

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