Roughly 35% of the American population struggles with some form of anxiety, depression, or both. With over one-third of Americans searching for answers and treatments to their disorder, it is no surprise that many patients seek more natural alternatives to medications prescribed by their doctors.
Here are 7 supplements that are most commonly recommended to help treat anxiety and depression:
1. Amino Acids
Amino Acids are acids produced in your body that are responsible for creating commonly know chemicals like serotonin in the brain. Tryptophan is a well-known amino acid that creates your body’s serotonin as well as another chemical called 5-HTP. Tryptophan can be found in meats, fish, beans, and eggs, and people who are deficient in this particular amino acid are said to become depressed, almost instantaneously.
2. B-Complex Vitamins
B vitamins are rudimentary in preventing stress and mild-depression. As the vitamins responsible for metabolic maintenance and cell regeneration in your central nervous system, having a diet full of B-complex vitamins will ensure that your nervous system is stabilized, and your moods balanced.
GABA, or Gamma-Aminobutyic Acid is an acid that is also created within your own body. This naturally occurring acid aids in relaxation, mood control, and anxiety. Researchers are now saying that a deficiency in this acid is directly linked to depression and anxiety, so it is important that you begin supplementing that if you have been diagnosed with either condition.
4. D Vitamins
Most commonly linked to milk and strong bones, D vitamins are pivotal in combating depression in patients. While it is not clear just how vitamin D aids with these illnesses, many physicians speculate it is because the vitamin actually improves neurotransmitter functions.
5. Folic Acid
Folic Acid is actually a form of B vitamin that is often found to be deficient in people suffering from depression. This type of acid if typically found within your fruits and veggies intake. Often compared to the medication Prozac, Folic Acid is another supplement that you should add to your diet – whether in the form of produce or as an herbal pill.
6. Omega-3 Fats
Omega-3’s are one of the most effective supplements in the treatment of anxiety and depression today. Your Omega-3 fatty acids are not created within your body, but within the food you eat, so it is important to be aware of what foods contain them. Typically, fish like salmon, trout, and tuna carry Omega-3’s in the form of EPA and DHA. If you don’t want to introduce a ton of fish into your diet, try purchasing fish oil or krill oil pills at your local pharmacy.
7. Probiotics
Last but not least, Probiotics are live bacteria that help maintain a healthy digestive system. Research is now showing that Probiotics might actually be instrumental in the treatment of depression. Your gut’s microbiota contains approximately 1 kg of bacteria, naturally, but that microbiome can undergo long-term, negative changes when introduced to stress. Since our microbiome, sometimes called ‘gut bugs’ help modulate our immune system, and a robust immune system is necessary for the proper function of every other part of the body, it makes sense that a healthy intake of probiotics would positively impact our mental health.
Before you take any supplements or vitamins it is always recommend that you speak to your doctor first.
Have a question that wasn’t answered in this article? Feel free to post a comment in the box below, or call me at 917.609.4990. If you are experiencing severe to mild depression that lasts more than two weeks, contact your doctor immediately. I also recommend that you speak with your physician before adding any supplements to your treatment plan.
To Your Mental Health and Wellness,
Dr. Itzkoff