2014 archive


10 Warning Signs Your Psychiatrist Isn’t a Good Fit

Choosing the best psychiatrist for you can be a trial and error process, and it may take you a little while before you find the best psychiatrist for you. While you’re looking for the best psychiatrist, keep these 10 warning signs in mind. 1. Your psychiatrist doesn’t have the proper training and education to help […] Read more…


4 Tips for Beating Holiday Stress

The holidays are often synonymous with stress, making them more difficult to enjoy. For some, family causes the added stress and, for others, the season itself is to blame. Whether you’re in the first category, the last, or another, you don’t have to suffer through the holidays with added stress. Here are 4 tips to […] Read more…


5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns

If you’re the parent of a child with ADHD or Asperger’s Syndrome, you already know that meltdowns are inevitable. Children with ADHD and Asperger’s tend to become overwhelmed frequently, which often results in meltdowns. To make matters a little more challenging, the holidays can often be the most stressful and overwhelming time of the year […] Read more…


7 Ways to Beat After-the-Holidays Blues

The holidays are full of mixed emotions for many of us and it’s fairly common to feel a bit depressed when they’re over. You’ve spent a lot of time and money preparing and then, just like that, it’s over. Here are some tips to help you beat the after-the-holidays-blues. Join a new health club or […] Read more…


5 Tips For Celebrating the Holidays While Coping with an Eating Disorder

The holidays are full of food, family, and friends. If you’re coping with an eating disorder, the holidays may not be your favorite time of the year. Not to worry! You can stay the course of your recovery and enjoy the holidays, too. Here are 5 tips to help! Eat Regularly Create a pattern by […] Read more…


Types of ADHD

There are different types of ADHD and it’s important to know the differences. If you or your child need medication to help with the symptoms of ADHD, it’s important to note that not all medications will effectively treat the different types of ADHD. How Many Types of ADHD Are There? There are two types of […] Read more…

Autism and Jerry Seinfeld

Recently, Jerry Seinfeld told NBC Nightly News that he believes he’s on the autism spectrum. This has left many parents of autistic children up in arms. Even though you have read about something doesn’t mean you have it. Or, does it? What does it mean to be on the autism spectrum? What is Autism Spectrum […] Read more…


10 Tips to Surviving the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us and so is the stress of planning and preparing. It’s common for people to feel anxious, stressed, and even depressed this time of year. These feelings are often compounded if you dealt with a hardship earlier in the year, such as a death or divorce. Keep these 10 tips in […] Read more…


Signs of Depression in Teens

Having a teenager can be the most difficult part of parenting. Adding depression to the mix can often make parenting your teen much more difficult. Adolescent depression can often be viewed as teenage angst, which leaves your teen untreated and not feeling like him/herself. Why Do Teens Get Depressed? There is a great deal of […] Read more…


5 Parenting Strategies for Children with ADHD

Being a parent is the most rewarding and demanding job you’ll ever have. It’s important to learn as much as you can about your child and which parenting methods work best because children are like snowflakes; there are no two alike. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, your parenting skills may need a […] Read more…

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