2014 archive

food addiction

What is Food Addiction?

The truth is, more than one-third of Americans are obese. Two out of three adults are overweight, and 17% of our children are overweight. So, with a dieting industry of over $40 billion a year, why are 90% of these programs failing? Today I will discuss the realities of food addiction and how it can […] Read more…

anxiety treatment

Anxiety Disorders: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

It is a common thing to have moments of anxiety in your daily life – a missed deadline at work, unpaid bills, a meeting with your boss. However, what is not common is to have these moments of anxiety turn into daily battles that limit your ability to perform your usual tasks. While there are […] Read more…

5 Popular Misconceptions about Psychiatry

Historically, mental illness is a subject that is often met with discomfort, skepticism, and fear. As a result, the world of Psychiatry, unless a person has actually seen a Psychiatrist, or knows someone who has, is often met with these same feelings of skepticism. In fact, here are five misconceptions that many Psychiatrists, like myself, […] Read more…

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