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Is Trying To Get Pregnant Ruining My Sex Life?

Sex, Conception, and Relationships When you’re not trying to have a baby, sex can be exciting, spontaneous, romantic, fun … and, well, SEX! When you’re trying to conceive, however, sometimes, it can be quite a different story. If this is the first month you’ve decided to “try”, you may experience new feelings around sex. If […] Read more…


Men Need Help Too: Signs and Symptoms Of Depression In Men

Both men and women can suffer from Depression. Unfortunately, men seek the help they need less often than their female counterparts. They can also experience depression differently. However, men die by suicide at a rate that is three times the rate observed in women. Some of the symptoms that men may experience more than women […] Read more…

Bipolar Disorder Basics: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

We all experience the ups and downs, good days and bad days, and the occasionally, even, I should never have gotten out of bed day. As a general rule, most of us can get back to an inner calm or a middle ground to which we return. But individuals with Bipolar disorder experience moods that are extremely […] Read more…

10 Signs That You are Giving Too Much of Yourself

Some people are natural givers. Givers are the kind of people you want in your life. They are very dependable and reliable; but do you ever think about what those favors and sacrifices have cost them? If you are a giver you know exactly what I’m talking about. You love to help and be supportive […] Read more…

Eating Disorders and Pregnancy

About 7 million American women have an eating disorder, and most of these women are in their peak childbearing years. Eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder, most commonly present in the years between adolescence and age 40, and disproportionately affect women. A psychiatrist who treats eating disorders, must, therefore be […] Read more…

Getting Your “Vitamin ZZZ”: 5 Tips To Help You Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep

Research continues to demonstrate that proper and sufficient sleep is correlated with just about every positive health outcome, including living longer! If you suffer from any other mental health problem (including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PMDD) you probably *already* know that your mental health condition gets worse when you’re not sleeping well. You may be […] Read more…


Most couples who decide to have children do so with excitement and joyous expectation. For 15 – 25 percent of the population, however, the journey toward parenthood is thrown off-course by infertility issues. Some couples in this situation opt for infertility treatment, which may include IUI, IVF, or third party reproduction. What many don’t realize, […] Read more…

Postpartum Depression 101

In the last post we discussed the relatively unknown and misunderstood issue of Pre-Natal Depression. In this post, we’re going to discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Post-Natal Depression (often known as Postpartum Depression). WHAT IS POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION? You may be familiar with what is commonly known as the “baby blues”. In fact, up to […] Read more…

Pregnant? Please Understand This “Lesser Known” Form Of Depression…

Postnatal (or Postpartum) Depression, often called the “baby blues”, is a generally well-publicized and well-understood depressive condition that can affect new mothers at any time during the first year of motherhood. Most expectant mothers are made aware of this potentially dangerous condition by their medical provider. And, because Postnatal Depression is so well accepted in […] Read more…

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