Posts Tagged ‘motherhood’

Lamotrigine and Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy

Continuing to Treat Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy is Vital to Avoid Postpartum Relapse Restoring life to “normal” after having a baby is always challenging, but more so if you are at greater risk for postpartum illness.  For women who have taken lamotrigine for bipolar disorder before becoming pregnant, it is natural that they are concerned […] Read more…

A Closer Look at Autism in Children and Mothers Taking SSRIs

Is There a Link Between Autism in Children and Mothers Taking SSRIs? The incidence of autism among children approximately doubled between 2000 and 2012 according to data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC.) As the number of children diagnosed with the disorder continues to grow, pregnant mothers are becoming more concerned that their behaviors and […] Read more…