Author Archive

College Students and Mental Health: Severe Anxiety Becoming the Norm?

The Glamorization of College-Life and the University Experience Long after college, many people are inclined to glamorize their college experience, recalling the thrill of learning, endless social opportunities, and late-night gatherings that blend together in an idyllic re-imagining of their campus experience. But the pressures of academia: social, financial, and academic, have created a hothouse of […] Read more…

physician suicide

Please Be Aware of the Increasing Rates of Physician Suicide

For many people in the general public, there is an air of invincibility about their physicians. Walking into a doctor’s office seems like a one-way street: a patient comes in with a problem, and their doctor is there to solve it.  But the painful truth is that not only are doctors human, they actually suffer […] Read more…

ptsd triggers

The Internal and External Triggers of PTSD

The physical and emotional strain of PTSD can become a struggle for some people and it can linger in the form of panic attacks and other behavioral manifestations that interfere with daily life.  The residual effects of a shocking or scary event can continue for months (or even longer,) and make people feel stressed and […] Read more…

psychotherapy and marriage

Psychotherapy and Marriage: 4 Toxic Marriage Tendencies to Watch Out For

In my years of offering psychotherapy to married and dating couples, I’ve identified four tendencies that often add toxicity to an otherwise perfectly fine relationship. I believe every psychotherapist will have different observations but these have been commonly recurring tendencies that I have encountered when helping couples through difficult times in their marriage. If you’re […] Read more…

Substance Abuse Disorder

The Road to Recovery: How to Ask For Help When You’re Dealing With an Addiction

What was once widely referred to as addiction, but is now commonly known as Substance Abuse Disorder, is a dependence on a legal or illegal substance that has a detrimental impact on a person’s life.  The signs and symptoms of addiction vary with the type of drug, but a common factor with drug abuse is […] Read more…

social media and mental health

How is Social Media Impacting Your Mental Health?

The prevalence of social media among all age groups has created a host of potential problems associated with dependency and abuse.  While Millennials may be the first generation to not have any awareness of life without social media, all age groups and generations are using social media in various ways.  Balancing the positive social benefits […] Read more…

New Dad’s Survival Guide

What Should You Expect as a New Dad? Society and Reality May Have Different Ideas On a recent episode of the HGTV program House Hunters filmed in Des Moines, a beaming expectant mother smiled at the camera and, responding to a point of disagreement with her husband, exclaimed, “I’m pregnant and I get what I […] Read more…

New Year’s Resolutions: The trite tradition that could have implications for your mental health

The ritual of renewal known as the New Year’s resolution is a difficult process for some people, and even this seemingly innocuous process can have implications for your mental health and well-being.  Lots of people create ambitious resolutions, but research suggests that resolutions with focused, actionable goals have the best chance of succeeding.  Making New […] Read more…

frustration and creativity

Can Frustration Spur Creativity?

Beethoven, Brian Eno, Keith Jarrett.  Strange bedfellows with a common thread: they used frustration as a vehicle for creativity.  Much as frustration can thwart the creative process, it can also be channeled to positive use. In my practice, I come across many people experiencing frustration from one or more important parts of their life: spouses, […] Read more…

drug addiction and substance use disorder

Drug Addiction vs. Substance Use Disorder: The Impact Language Can Have on Social Stigmas

New York City Drug Addiction Statistics in 2016 According to the most recent data from The National Survey on Drug Use, drug addiction and substance use disorder metrics in New York City are actually, slowly, improving. The national average of residents that reported using illicit substances in the past month is 8.82% and New York […] Read more…

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