December 2016 archive

frustration and creativity

Can Frustration Spur Creativity?

Beethoven, Brian Eno, Keith Jarrett.  Strange bedfellows with a common thread: they used frustration as a vehicle for creativity.  Much as frustration can thwart the creative process, it can also be channeled to positive use. In my practice, I come across many people experiencing frustration from one or more important parts of their life: spouses, […] Read more…

drug addiction and substance use disorder

Drug Addiction vs. Substance Use Disorder: The Impact Language Can Have on Social Stigmas

New York City Drug Addiction Statistics in 2016 According to the most recent data from The National Survey on Drug Use, drug addiction and substance use disorder metrics in New York City are actually, slowly, improving. The national average of residents that reported using illicit substances in the past month is 8.82% and New York […] Read more…

Ketamine Under the Lens: An Update

The Results We Have Seen from Ketamine Therapy at the Practice If you have followed my blog recently, you may have come across some of my observations about Ketamine, a drug used as a sedative (and sometimes abused as a club drug known as “Special K”,) but that is now being used to help patients with […] Read more…