Posts Tagged ‘bipolar’

Lamotrigine and Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy

Continuing to Treat Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy is Vital to Avoid Postpartum Relapse Restoring life to “normal” after having a baby is always challenging, but more so if you are at greater risk for postpartum illness.  For women who have taken lamotrigine for bipolar disorder before becoming pregnant, it is natural that they are concerned […] Read more…

Seasonal Affective Disorder: The Impact Autumn and Winter can Have on Your Health

  The autumn and winter seasons are looked forward to with great anticipation by many as the weather gets cooler and a new host of responsibilities kick-off in September. With the holiday season to look forward to it’s often a season people find to be motivating, uplifting and comforting. There are however many who look […] Read more…