2019 is off to a great start! New research and developments in psychiatric care help pave the way to enhanced treatment options for common mental illnesses. These advancements offer life-changing possibilities to those who need something more than standard protocol. Here’s a quick recap…
Esketamine’s FDA Approval
The FDA’s approval of esketamine (Spravato) nasal spray brings particular excitement to the field because there hasn’t been a major advancement in depression treatment for decades (think Prozac). Esketamine is the cousin of Ketamine, an Intravenous treatment that provides rapid relief. Esketamine’s approval helps further validate the use of IV Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression- a treatment we’ve been offering at NYC Psychiatry since 2013.
Brexanolone’s FDA Approval For PPD
Postpartum Depression can be life threatening for some women, but the new drug Brexanolone offers renewed hope. Brexanolone is a 60 hour IV infusion that’s likely to be administered as an impatient procedure at this time. The medication is specific to the mechanism by which women are thought to develop a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD).
The Proven Success of TMS
With all of the excitement surrounding these two novel medications, it’s still important to spend the time, and possibly money, supporting Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).
As Stanford’s Dr. Nolan Williams puts it, “The interesting thing is, in the over 500 patients I have treated over the last decade of my life, I have never had a patient come say, “My depression is gone, but I feel this weird side effect.” You hear the patients say, “I feel normal again,” or something like that. That is not necessarily the case with psychiatric medications.”
When two NOVEL medications are approved within one week of one another, we look forward with optimism. New treatments offer hope for those who need it most. They help lift the veil of depression, sorrow, and anxiety for those who aren’t helped by first-line treatment options. For that, we are grateful.