Posts Tagged ‘doctor’

The Looming Retirement of the 15-minute Med Check

The 15 Minute Medical Check: “Medical Management” vs. Care and Connection New research published in a paper  titled “Psychiatric Services in Advance,” (  by Dr. William Torrey of the Dartmouth Geisel School of medicine has reinforced the essential connection between doctor and patient, and discredits an unfortunate trend in psychiatric care for conducting 15-minute “medical […] Read more…

physician suicide

Please Be Aware of the Increasing Rates of Physician Suicide

For many people in the general public, there is an air of invincibility about their physicians. Walking into a doctor’s office seems like a one-way street: a patient comes in with a problem, and their doctor is there to solve it.  But the painful truth is that not only are doctors human, they actually suffer […] Read more…

Ketamine Under the Lens: An Update

The Results We Have Seen from Ketamine Therapy at the Practice If you have followed my blog recently, you may have come across some of my observations about Ketamine, a drug used as a sedative (and sometimes abused as a club drug known as “Special K”,) but that is now being used to help patients with […] Read more…


The Truth about Treating PTSD with Ketamine

Ketamine & PTSD – What Does the Research Show Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that involves individuals who have been subjected to some variety of trauma either as a result of a single incident or due to prolonged exposure. Individuals with PTSD feel overwhelming and debilitating fear and anxiety and often feel […] Read more…