Posts Tagged ‘psychiatrists’


8 Medical Risks of Depression

Depression is a mental illness that affects approximately 14.8 million adults. If left untreated, depression can adversely affect your physical health. Heart Disease Depression can lead to heart disease, make heart disease worse, and make it more difficult to recover from complications of heart disease. In fact, depression can increase your risk of having a […] Read more…

relationship building

7 Tips To Help You Improve Your Relationships

Friendships are some of the most treasured relationships you can have – your friends are there at crucibles in your life, as well as during all the joys. Having strong relationships has also been known to help with stress, depression, anxiety, and overall wellness in an individual. All of this is why it is so […] Read more…

treating depression beyond therapy

9 Tips for Treating Depression Beyond Medication and Therapy

As we have seen in the recent, tragic passing of Robin Williams, depression does not discriminate. Each year, depression affects 17 million people of all age groups, races, and economic backgrounds. While medication and therapy and known and effective tools in the battle against depression, there are still other steps you can do for yourself that will […] Read more…

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